Media & Society-Week Five: Freedom of Speech
TOPIC 1 There were a number of things I learned watching “RiP! A Remix Manifesto”. The first was that the U.S. government had made other countries agree to follow American copyright laws in order to sell goods to the U.S. I had never heard that and was shocked (although, I will admit, not surprised) that this country had used its economic clout to push our laws onto other nations. I also had heard of the copyright lawsuit brought against The Verve for their song “Bittersweet Symphony” but was unaware of the long history behind the songs in question. Another topic I had glancing familiarity with but that the movie illuminated much more fully for me was the slowing of scientific and medical progress due to broad copyrights and patents on concepts and research. As a long time fan of Radiohead, I remember paying what I wanted for their album “In Rainbows” and having even more admiration for them for ‘breaking out’ of the music industry standards. I hadn’t heard about the Warner-Cha...